Just to check in on where we are - Wren will be five years old in a couple of months and Erik will be two! Can you believe it? Scott is getting farther along the tenure track and I continue to try to keep our home clean and somewhat organized, and trying to be calm and fun and keeping my sense of humor. I may or may not succeed in these things but as you notice, the key word here is TRY! :)
Wren has been going to a Montessori preschool every day this year and last summer, and we absolutely love it. It has been great for him to be able to do so many different projects and make friends and interact with teachers and other kids at school. He's not just bouncing around the house while I try to keep him occupied while taking care of Erik and housework as well. I really enjoy doing preschool aged projects myself and miss the chance to do this with him, but I wasn't finding the time and patience to be able to set things up like I'd like to, so I'm enjoying his opportunity to do all these things at a school that is like a second home to him.
Wren likes to invent things, build things, figure out how things work. All last week he was asking every day if we could "build a toy record player" and when I brought two very old toy record players out of the basement for him (both of which do not work in different ways), he has been very taken with them. One doesn't have a needle and seems to be playing two different grooves of the records at the same time. He will put on a record and make us come in and listen and say, "isn't the music beautiful?"
Erik's language has really exploded in the past few weeks - he went from speaking one or two words together and now says so many things, including some favorites:
"I need go somewhere"
"I go too!"
"I walk too!"
"I cook too!"
He calls Wren "bupo" for brother and is very good at saying please and thank you. He was saying "mac n cheese, mac n cheese" at dinner tonight and when I put it in front of him, he said "thank you! cool." I said, "did you just say cool?" and he said, "uh huh!"
Erik for the most part is pretty agreeable still and a phrase I absolutely love that he's been saying less lately is "Uh huh, sure, I do!" all together like that. I love it! So cute. I love the sound of his little voice saying "sure!" and all those words.
Erik is practically running places, can get up and down on the chairs very well, loves to do what Wren does.
Today Wren and Erik spent a lot of time "cleaning" using a toy cleaning cart and a spray bottle, some disinfectant wipes, and I even got out the Magic Erasers to see if they could actually be useful. I thought we were doing pretty well until I found Erik in the bathroom, dipping his Magic Eraser in the toilet to get it wet... !
Really fun Emily. I loved the Erik quotes! Eleanor
A day in the life of Em! you have such a wonderful spirit. :)
Hi guys! I just wrote a nice long note and my new "fabulous" "smart" phone erased it durn it. The jist was that I enjoy your blog and pleas
e please come to Trout Lodge this year, I want to meet Eric and I need some 30- somes, (my parents will babysit while we boat all night) and I'm going to climyb the big insane tower of fear and I need your support. Woo-Hoo! Love Jill
Awesome! I can't believe how big the boys are! I think I say this every time I see a picture, though. They're growing like weeds, and how exciting that Erik is talking up a storm (and interested in cooking!). Hugs and love from KS - Misty
I have to echo everything the other folks said. Wren and Erik are so sweet! I love the videos because they make me feel like I'm really there! I know you are always busy so it is especially wonderful that you made time to write on your blog. I really appreciate it because I get to see them doing great things (like Erik getting into his chair with no help, very impressive!) Also, it will be wonderful to have the blog to help you remember these tender and sweet times with the boys. I send lots of love and kisses,
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