It's Halloween coming up already! Wren keeps asking me "is Halloween up yet Mommy? Is Halloween up?" It's because we say, "Halloween is coming up" so that's what he wonders. Funny! Hard to explain how there is a season for a holiday and the holiday is on an exact day.
We have a firefighter costume for Wren, which he has not put on yet. I put the word "yet" on the end of that sentence very hopefully. He is vehement about not putting it on. But the reason he gives is that "it's for Halloween" so ... we'll see. But Wren has spent much of his waking (and non-waking) hours pretending to be a firefighter these past three weeks. We have visited the fire stations' open houses and read several books we own and have checked out from the library. Wren takes various objects from all over the house and that is his firefighting "gear". He is really interested in fire extinguishers, hydrants, smoke detectors, alarms, you name it. He also really enjoys a Fireman Sam DVD. He's never really been super interested in one thing before to the exclusion of all else. I doubt this will last very long, but it's fun/tiresome/interesting for now.
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