The other day we fed Erik some rice cereal and he loved it! So he started solids at 24 weeks.
We had him sit in the high chair with us at a few meals first and he got to hold a soft spoon and bang around a baby sippy cup for a while (which we laughed at, then lo and behold Wren decided to do that with his cup too, so funny, yeah right). Then we fed Erik the cereal (with yummy breastmilk of course) and he got down to business. I think he's been ready for some weeks but we've just been putting it off because well, you know -- it's a mess, another thing to try to fit in at mealtime, and it'll make Erik's diapers stinky. But the boy wants to eat. He also liked a teething biscuit (Wren has to have one too) but couldn't hold on to it very well yet.
Tonight we fed him some applesauce too and he didn't just gobble it down right away like the "cereal", but he started to after he had a bunch of cereal and then we fed him more applesauce. He was starting to think, "oh yeah, this is the stuff!" So funny, he already opens his mouth wide when the spoon is coming and this is only the third night we've fed him! He knows just what to do.
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