Monday, November 30, 2009

talking, sounds, leafblowers

Lately Wren has been speaking in sentences and adding things to the end like "okay?" and "right?" and using phrases like "that's better", which we think is really fun and cute.

He is really into Christmas trees and the lights and pointing out Santas he sees around town. He likes to shake his jingle bells and ring a silver bell we have. He loves music and making sounds and saying he's "making music". He has been asking me "what's that sound?" or just "sound?" about 100 times a day.

Wren is also still into cords. He has a small ball of yarn (after having to roll up a regular sized ball of yarn and untangling etc I realized a much smaller size would do) that he loves to carry around and unroll and pretend it's a vacuum or cord or whatever. Many days the yarn is totally wrapped around our house twice (circular area through the kitchen, entryway, dining room) after he puts it on his shopping cart and walks around with it. His "brown cords" is a bootlace that he pretends to "plug it in" in different crevices around the house. He wants to get his hands on our different charger cords and computer cords and we just don't let him anymore. He likes to carry around a pair of earbud headphones "heedbops" and then "plugs them in" our heating vents. He also likes to use all cords to pretend he's vacuuming. It's all very exciting. :)

Another favorite thing to pretend is "leafblower". He uses his toy trimmer outside, a bubble shooter, a bath toy, sticks, and even a certain body part (just once!) to pretend he's using a leafblower. He is very interested in seeing them around town. He likes the noise they make and the way the leaves blow up in the air is funny to him. Of course, we don't have any leaves in our yard so no raking or anything going on here. We have to keep our eyes peeled while we drive or walk around.

When we got our Christmas tree, he liked the chain saw they had to cut off the bottom branches. He keeps mentioning that now too: "people have saw" and "saw make a sound".

This is all for now. Just thought I'd get a November post in before it became December. ;) What's going on with you?

1 comment:

Sherry said...

Oh my goodness, Wren is too cute! Where do they come up with these things? Wish we could meet him, but glad to keep up with things on your blog and photos!