Sunday, October 11, 2009


I just put up several videos that you can access by clicking on the link to the right and put up new photos too (in Sept and Oct albums).

Wren is going to be a train engineer for Halloween and we ordered him a wooden train whistle to go with his costume. When I opened the whistle from the package, Wren was in the other room and I blowed the whistle several times before he came in -- you should have seen the look on his face! I know he thought there was a real train in the kitchen. He walked in slowly and had this look of awe on his face. It was so precious. I hated to burst his bubble by showing him it was just a whistle and not an entire train pulling up at the patio! But he really likes the whistle and thinks it's super cool.


Munchkin said...

Awesome! I can imagine the wonder and excitement! My Texas advisor's husband once had the Halloween costume of a conductor's hat and shirt, but he wore shorts and sandals with it (it was in Texas, after all, when it's barely cold at Halloween). He was a "semi-conductor" (groan!).

Athenagirl said...

Ben's going to be an engineer too!!!