Now I said in the last post that Wren's talking is really taking off, but now it really is a lot more! I can't believe how fast Wren is changing -- I was looking at the last post and he seems a lot different to me already. It's amazing!
We went on our trip to Missouri for about two weeks and we've been back for two weeks already. Wren has been cranky and hard to deal with since we've been back, and has just seemed his happy usual self today and yesterday afternoon. He's been frustrating to deal with! He slept a lot when we first got back and then he hasn't wanted to sit down to eat and has just wanted milk all the time and it was starting to drive me crazy. I hope that he is back on the right track now. He'll get on the right track then we'll go to the beach and I hope that he'll not be so hard again when we return from that trip, but I don't know. Oh well! But he loved the car rides (mostly) and he would say "big truck!" and "more big truck!" a lot and enjoyed the tunnels we went through and asked for more... since we've been home Wren has been asking to go "bye bye" ALL the time, then cries when we pull up to our house! He just wants to drive around and look at all the vehicles and doesn't want to be at a destination. I think that might be getting better too in the last couple of days so that would be good. It's been making me a little bit bonkers! (Even though I think his new interest in different types of vehicles and things is cool).
Wren has a new parking garage from his granddad that he very much loves. "Garage" is one word that Wren has a made-up word for, which sounds like "hah-hahm". Another favorite item is "fan" which he calls "bye". Here's a picture of him with some of his favorite things right now: garage, fan, and milk.
We ate snowcones a couple of times in St Louis and Wren liked them and asks for them now (we make little ones with a little ice shaver machine from Wegman's) and his word for that is funny. Something like "gah-go". Hard to type out these spellings. Anyway, for more about our trip, see our photos!
Wren is starting to pretend a lot more too. He pretends to make "juice" in the bathtub by putting a baby washcloth in a cup with water, was pretending to fill his cups with more water from the faucet (when the faucet was off), is pretending to fly Superman and Care Bears like Superman, go grocery shopping, leave with a bag like Daddy, shave, put on deodorant (by lifting up his shirt, which I think is hilarious -- he's watching ALL the time!), scan items at the grocery store (just today for the first time with a new cash register, which he loved!), probably many other things I'm not thinking of. It's very neat!
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