Wren has been into babies lately. I mentioned this. He's been playing with a doll he has at home and also with a "baby" at preschool. But on Friday I took him to a CEA playgroup and there were some dolls there and I witnessed how much Wren liked playing with dolls a little more complex than the one he has, so when we left, we made a special trip to Target so Wren could pick out a baby doll to bring home. He wanted one that makes sounds and also with eyes that open and close. Unfortunately we didn't find one with eyes that work! But we did find a baby wearing blue clothes (not pink -- this is kind of hard to do!) who makes sounds and Wren is just so happy with him. He couldn't wait to get home to take his baby out of the box and has been carrying the baby around, often with his other baby ("both babies!") giving it a bath, giving it drinks and "snacks", pretending to change its diaper. He says, "oh, baby crying" and imitates the three sounds it makes. The look on Wren's face when he looks at this baby doll is precious. Earlier this week I took a couple of photos of Wren with some art he made at preschool, and yesterday he asked me to take a picture of him holding his baby. Right now the baby is sitting in a special spot right next to Wren's bed while Wren sleeps. Precious.

Very sweet! I looked for baby boy dolls at one point for Samuel, but could only find girly pink ones. Awesome that you found one! Wren is going to be such a good big brother!
Sarah loves watching videos of friends her age and younger! Wren has awesome hair! She keeps asking for "her boy" again. Thanks for sharing.
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