Monday, March 09, 2009

two words together

Wren seems to be changing really fast lately -- just saying more words and he's been putting two words together a lot these past couple of weeks: 
Hi Daddy
Bye Bye Mommy
Guk Down (Guk is his awesome word for Monica, and down means downstairs or he wants to go upstairs -- "down" is kind of Wren's word for stairs and to go upstairs if he's down, and downstairs if he's up)
Rat "Drink" (sign for drink) (we have a mouse/rat puppet checked out from the library and he likes us to play with him with it and he likes to give it drinks)
Hi "ow" (hi Lacey, "ow" being "meow" meaning "cat")

Anyway, lots of translating going on around here. Wren has his own language it seems.

Monica stayed with us this past week and it's been awesome -- so good to see her and sit around and look at all her photos and hear stories of her travels. We ate lots of good food and took some walks and played with Wren. Pretty low key but pretty fun.

Wren has a fever and a cold right now, starting yesterday. He should be napping in his crib but is doing something else, I think. I'll be checking on him in a minute here.

This week is spring break for us and Scott is planning on doing many things in his office that do NOT include prepping for class or office hours. :) We're just hoping Wren won't be sick the whole week so we can do some fun things like go to the Waffle Shop and also not all wake up several times a night.

It thunderstormed here some last night and rained all day yesterday. The couple of days before that were unseasonably warm (but not as warm as it was in St. Louis!). I am listening to workers build a house across the street and thinking about eating a snack and/or drinking some tea. What are you doing?

1 comment:

Sherry said...

I hope Wren is feeling better now! That's sweet that he's putting words together, even if you have to translate them. What happy memories those will be!